The Lord Prevails

Read: Psalm 9:13–20 The Psalmist illustrates how evident the Lord’s sovereignty is in the lives of the righteous and the wicked. Like him, we recognize that the Lord saves the believers from trouble caused by their evil persecutors. We have the Psalmist’s confidence that the needy and the poor will be provided for and will […]

The Lord as a Refuge for Those who Trust in Him

Read: Psalm 9:9-12 While God takes care of the people they oppress, the unrighteous could never escape His. punishment, The Lord won’t forsake those who trust in Him, He will be a refuge for them. Aside from putting God’s deeds and praises to Him in song, singing to God includes responding to His goodness in […]

Draw Strength from the Lord

Read: 1 Samuel 17:32-51 The Israelites and Philistines were to engage in a battle with each other. A champion of the Philistines, Goliath, challenged anyone from Israel for face-to-face combat. Saul, the king at the time, was reluctant to allow David, a young shepherd, to fight the Philistines seasoned warrior, Goliath. The shepherd recounted that […]

The Growth of God’s Word in the Believer’s Heart

Read: Mark 4:26-34 The community of faith started like a mustard seed when God’s word was planted in a person’s heart. As faith grew stronger, the word flourished, and perceptions of God’s will became evident. The word spread and was planted in many people’s hearts. Its fruit manifested in the knowledge of things divine and […]

New Life in Christ

Read: 2 Corinthians 5:1-17 Like Paul, believers must take great care in guiding the ministry and spiritual lives of the people they minister to. After accomplishing the task of introducing people to accept and have faith in God’s grace through Jesus, believers must be keen on guiding them to lead a life befitting God’s people. […]

Mark Your Calendar for Our Church Anniversary Month!

We are thrilled to announce that St. John UMC will be celebrating its 72nd Founding Anniversary next month! We have an exciting lineup of guest speakers who will share powerful messages and insights throughout the month of July. Each Sunday service will be a unique opportunity to hear from these distinguished guests, so make sure […]