Mark Your Calendar for Our Church Anniversary Month!

We are thrilled to announce that St. John UMC will be celebrating its 72nd Founding Anniversary next month! We have an exciting lineup of guest speakers who will share powerful messages and insights throughout the month of July. Each Sunday service will be a unique opportunity to hear from these distinguished guests, so make sure […]

Jesus Knows Each Believer

Read: Mark 5:25-34 Multitudes of people formed great crowds wherever Jesus went at the time, He was still doing ministerial work. His ministerial power reached even a sick woman who was not able to ask for help from Him because of the crowd. She was afflicted with a blood-flowing disease for 12 years. She had […]

Jesus’ Healing Power Heals a Father’s Heart

Read: Mark 5:21-25, 35-43 The healing power of Jesus was known by leaps and bounds, and multitudes came to Him for physical and spiritual healing. In this passage, Mark narrates that a synagogue’s leader, Jairus, came to Jesus and pleaded with Him to heal his ailing daughter in his home. The people’s wailing didn’t bother […]

Giving out of the Abundance of Love for God

Read: 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 Paul’s exhortation to Corinthian believers regarding giving could also be a call to global generations of believers to support work for God’s kingdom. It is also a call to action: if believers are abundantly blessed with gifts for service, they might as well be blessed with the gift of giving. As […]

Waiting upon the Lord

Read: Psalm 130:5-8 The Psalmist didn’t lose hope, waiting upon the Lord. Out of the depths of his heart, he trusted that the Lord would be true to His word of forgiveness and redemption. Assured of God’s power and faithfulness, he called on his nation not to lose hope in Him. Redemption in God is […]

Crying out to the Lord from the Depth of One’s Heart

Read: Psalm 130:1-4 The Psalmist presented himself as deeply troubled spiritually. Out of the depths of his heart, he pleaded almost forcefully, yet humbly, for mercy. His spiritual struggle seemed to take a toll on his emotional well-being as he desperately asked the Lord to hear him. Submitting to God’s will, he acknowledged that only […]

David’s Lamentation for Saul and Jonathan

Read: 2 Samuel 1:17-27 David’s extreme sadness over the deaths of King Saul, his would-be assassin, (1 Samuel.19-34:1-2) and his son Jonathan manifested in a poignantly expressed lamentation. Saul’s death was not something to be declared for the rejoicing of the enemies. It should be a cause for mourning for all of his people because, […]

Jesus’ Sovereignty over Nature and the Whole of Creation

Read: Mark 4:35-41 This is one situation where the faith of Jesus’ disciples was tested. The fact that the disciples had been with Him for a long time, witnessing miracles He performed, did not make them invulnerable to fear. They were extremely afraid when a strong storm set in while they traveled on a boat […]

God’s Light Must Be Shared.

Read: Mark 4:21-25 God’s word is the light that must be shared to liberate captives of spiritual darkness. It makes the spiritual blind see. It enlightens the wayward to be directed to the right path. God’s light exposes falsehood and brings concealed wickedness to the surface. Believers must take the word of God with fervent […]

Believers Standing Firm before God

Read: 2 Corinthians 6:8-13 Believers could be victims of false and erroneous judgment. However, they won’t remain casualties of this mudslinging, for the Lord will stand by them. He honors them for their goodness. Their joy in God stems from knowing Him and His works. They will be sources of blessings for their message and […]

Keeping the Honor and Integrityof the Ministry

Read: 2 Corinthians 6:1-7 Present-day believers as God’s people could take on the same spirit that Paul viewed himself and the believers in Corinth as fellow workers of God. As God’s co-workers, believers should consistently take into account the significance of the grace they received from Him. By His grace, there should be fulfillment of […]