Read: Mark 4:35-41

This is one situation where the faith of Jesus’ disciples was tested. The fact that the disciples had been with Him for a long time, witnessing miracles He performed, did not make them invulnerable to fear. They were extremely afraid when a strong storm set in while they traveled on a boat by the Sea of Galilee. Unable to bear the strength of the storm, they woke up Jesus, doubting His care for them. It was truly a test of faith. Having failed the test, Jesus rebuked them for having little faith in His presence. To confirm His power, He commanded the wind and sea waves to be still, and they did. Here, the disciples were terrified of such great power.

Food for Thought

This passage is a reminder that we can put our trust in Jesus when we are trapped in storms brought about by nature and storms in our lives caused by social evil, sins, and others. We should trust Him even in very difficult moments in our lives. We are never free from life challenges, and meeting them must be coupled with trust in Jesus. The absence of deliverance from what devastates us is not an excuse to lose faith in Him, for in the end, He will weather storms in our lives.

“Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” (1 John 5:5)

“So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord for we walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:6-7)


Our God and Father in heaven reveal more of Yourself to us, so that even in dark moments in our lives, our faith in You will never be diminished. Grant us courage, strength, and wisdom to face storms in our lives with grace. Let us glorify Your name even in the midst of sorrow and pain, knowing, that in the end, You will turn them to joy. Amen.

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